GPP Podcast: Career Coaching for Budding Advocates, Politicos, Policy Wonks & Social Entrepreneurs
Are you a burgeoning policy wonk, politico, change agent, advocate, or public sector or nonprofit leader? Dreaming of being a diplomat, running for office, or founding a nonprofit? The Washington University in St. Louis Career Center has you covered. Join Amy Heath-Carpentier and Susan Craig, lecturers in international affairs and co-directors of the WashU Career Center's Government and Public Policy Work Group (GPP), to assess, explore, search, and launch a career in the complex and, too often, opaque world of government, policy, nonprofits, and advocacy.
GPP Podcast: Career Coaching for Budding Advocates, Politicos, Policy Wonks & Social Entrepreneurs
All About Writing Samples
Many applications ask you to submit a writing sample with your resume and cover letter. What should you send? Amy and Susan discuss your options, how to interpret what the hiring manager is looking for, and how to prepare in advance so that you're ready.